Age: 22 months to 8 years
Facilitator – Child ratio: 1:4 till 3 years & 1:5 for children 3 years old and older
Duration: 5 days a week

Our Evening Enrichment Club offers exciting extracurricular activities for kids. We introduce the young ones to a variety of pursuits, such as Karate, Western Hip-Hop Dance, Zumba, French, Abacus training, Jolly Phonics, Yoga, Music, Storytelling, Arts and Crafts, Science Experimentation and other such stimulating activities. If you feel your child has a special interest or hobby that you want to encourage, or if you want to channelise their burgeoning energy in a healthy and fruitful direction, the Evening Enrichment Club at HMI is the right place to start.

We offer 2 slots: 5:30-6:30pm and 6:30-7:30pm, and 5 levels, depending on the age of the child. You can choose to take up only certain activities and not others, if you so wish. Please contact your nearest HMI centre for more details of the Enrichment Club activities you can avail of.